Course Details

9702: Transformation of Major League Baseball: 1946-1976

February 3-5
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

This short class will aim to discuss the transformation of Major League Baseball during a roughly 30-year period following the end of World War in a number of ways: 1) the decision to allow black players to play on MLB teams and the increasing presence of players from Latin America on teams; 2) the change from 16 teams based exclusively in cities in the Northeast and the Midwest, 24 teams based in cities across the entire US, including the West Coast and the South; and 3) the change from a game in which owners had control of their players through the "reserve clause" to an era in which players had some choice on which teams they could play,

Class Type: Lecture and Discussion

Class Format: In-Person

Hours of Reading: Less than 1 hour/session

Study Group Leader(s):

Edward Kean

Ed Kean is a retired former journalist and economic consultant who has been a baseball fan since 1958.