We follow American University's weather policy. If AU has a delayed opening, all OLLI classes will still be held at their originally scheduled times. If AU is closed, OLLI’s online and hybrid classes will still be held (hybrid classes will be online only) and in-person classes will be cancelled. Please note that we do not have the capacity to move in-person classes to online due to inclement weather. We will work with in-person SGLs regarding any makeup sessions.
Non-Discriminatory Policy
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) is a non-profit educational organization conducted by and for individuals of retirement age which admits students of any race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and nationality. All rights, privileges, programs, and activities are generally accorded or made available to all students at the Institute. OLLI does not discriminate on the basis of gender, class, race, religion, sexuality, nationality, or spirituality in the administration of its educational and admissions policies, scholarship programs, and all other OLLI-administered programs. For further information, call (202) 895-4860, or email us at [email protected].
Proof of publication in The Washington Post on July 12, 2023.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University is highly sensitive to the privacy interests of members and believes that the protection of those interests is one of its most significant responsibilities. We do not share member information with any outside groups, and we only publish the member directory as a courtesy to members of our learning community. We expect members to adhere to the same policy.
Recording POLICY
When filling out a study group proposal form, Study Group Leaders indicate whether or not they agree to their class being recorded. During the semester, recording of a class can be halted at any time by the SGL by contacting the OLLI Office. Class recordings are only available to members registered for the current academic session (short, mini, or semester). Recordings remain available for viewing for two weeks past the end of a session. They are intended for those who may miss a class session and as a bonus for others who want to view a class for which they are waitlisted. No participant names are recorded. Recordings are added to the OLLI website (under the “Classes” menu and then "Semesters/Minis" or "Shorts") the next business day. Recordings may only be viewed. They cannot be downloaded. No recordings will be used for any other future purpose without express discussion with and permission from SGLs.
OLLI at AU also has a Digital Library. The Library is a collection of selected courses that have been presented and recorded via Zoom. The Digital Library provides current members with access to many of the recorded classes and will also continue to grow. Members have access to the entire permanent Digital Library if they have registered during any academic session within the current fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Any recordings selected to be added to the library will be done only if the SGL has granted OLLI permission to record the class. If an SGL wants the class recorded, but not included in the permanent Digital Library, he/she must email [email protected]. To prevent any inappropriate use of the recordings, OLLI includes a copyright notice on each recording. Although a notice is not necessary to claim a copyright, SGLs are also entitled to include a copyright notice on the creative material that they have created. To enforce a copyright claim, it is necessary to register the copyright with the Library of Congress. OLLI does not intend to do that except in the highly unlikely event that it becomes necessary to prevent an improper use. In that event, OLLI would also notify the relevant SGLs who, if they so choose, could also register their copyright claims.
All Zoom meetings include the following disclaimers upon entrance of the meeting :
"This class is being recorded. Click 'Agree' to join the class. If you click 'Cancel,' you will not be able to join the meeting. No participant names are recorded. We strongly encourage class participation, but if you do not wish to be recorded, you may turn off your video and refrain from speaking or using the chat function. Remember: When your camera is on, everyone can see you. When your audio is on, everyone can hear everything near you."
"The account owner can also watch this recording if it's stored in the cloud. Any participant granted permission can (1) record to their local device or (2) invite an app to record for them. These individuals can share these recordings with apps and others.
By staying in this meeting you consent to being recorded."
REFUND POLICY for study groups
OLLI reserves the right to cancel any study group, June Mini, or Short. Members registered in a study group, June Mini, or Short that is canceled will be notified immediately so that they may select an available alternate.
The office must receive requests for refunds, in writing (email is fine), no later than close of business the Friday of the second week of the semester (or first week, if for the June Minis). A $10 processing fee will be assessed.
The office must receive requests for refunds, in writing (email is fine), no later than close of business on the Friday before the Shorts week. A $10 processing fee will be assessed