To join the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University, simply create an account, pay your membership fee, and register for your study groups during open registration.

If you have been a member of OLLI in the past, you may login to renew your membership.

Membership fees

  • Fall Semester and Spring Semester - $330 each (or $600 for both semesters, payable only in the fall) 
  • February Shorts and July Shorts - $100
  • June Minis - $100

Members may register for up to three classes before each session's lottery. Members may add a fourth course after the lottery by calling or emailing the office. Do not assume there is space available if you see an empty seat. The number of participants for each study group is determined by the study group leader, by available space, and by the office. Membership in OLLI is not transferable. Spouses or partners must have their own individual memberships.


The office must receive requests for refunds, no later than the end of the second week of the term for which the refund is requested. An email refund request is acceptable. A $10 processing fee will be assessed. After the second week of a term, membership dues are non-refundable.


Our study group leaders spend a prodigious amount of time preparing their classes. Please attend the classes for which you are registered and only the classes for which you are registered.


If you need scholarship assistance, please download an application here, then drop it off or mail it to the OLLI office. All requests are confidential.