Course Details

9602: Discussion of Liana Millu's Smoke Over Birkenau

February 10, 12, and 14
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Liana Millu, an Italian journalist and schoolteacher, joined the partisans in 1943 and was arrested and deported to Birkenau in 1944. We will discuss the ways in which she transforms this experience into six "stories," a work Primo Levi called "one of the most powerful European testimonies to come from the women's LAGER at Birkenau." And, for many years, one of the most forgotten.

Class Type: Discussion

Class Format: In-Person

Hours of Reading: Reading prior to first session (See Description.)

Study Group Leader(s):

Marc Raphael

Marc Lee Raphael is an Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at the College of William and Mary and Emeritus Rabbi of Congregation Bet Aviv in Columbia, Maryland.

Reading List:

Smoke Over Brikenau (Liana Millu) | 1997: Northwestern University Press | ISBN: 978-081011569 | Required