SGL Workshop—PowerPoint (BEGINNER)

Thursday, Sept. 5
10:00-11:30 AM
In-Person at OLLI
 (Room 1)
Led by: Ruth Lozner & Ralph Buglass

Calling all SGLs! Create effective and visually exciting presentations by brushing up or learning new skills in PowerPoint. If possible, bring your laptop and syllabus or course outline so that you can be guided through creating your own PowerPoint for use in your class. While the PowerPoint program is virtually the same on any computer, Ruth will be demonstrating it on an Apple computer. Please note this workshop is for beginners. If you have more experience with PowerPoint, please register instead to attend the afternoon workshop on the same day. 

Topics include:

  • Creating a simple PowerPoint presentation from scratch
  • Adding: text as talking points, graphics & photos, and slide transitions
  • Using presenter view and entering your notes
  • PowerPoint best (and worst!) practices


Ruth Lozner has taught the popular OLLI class, Sharpen Your Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills. She is Professor Emerita at the University of Maryland, having  taught in the Honors College, Smith Business School, and Arts and Humanities College. At UMD, she co-directed The Academy for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

Ralph Buglass, a retired communications professional, has been an OLLI SGL for the past decade, teaching courses that rely heavily on PowerPoint. From his career he is well-versed in numerous presentation and graphic design software programs. He also gives oft-requested presentations for Montgomery History, our neighboring Maryland county’s historical society.

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