Study Group Details

674: Powering Through James Joyce's Ulysses Together

11:45 - 1:15
Starting September 26

An opportunity to optimally experience James Joyce’s Ulysses. The basic approach has changed from the original description of this study group because Amazon no longer makes available a planned tool: a "whispersync" link between the Kindle text and the Audible recording of Jim Norton’s reading. To compensate, the text of Ulysses has been posted to the home page of the course website at and the Jim Norton reading has been posted to the site’s Ulysses Audio page. There is a battery of resources designed to allow each study group member to devise his or her best strategy for approaching Ulysses.

View Syllabus

This study group is new
Class Type: Reading and Discussion
Class Format: In-Person
Hours of Reading: 2-3 hrs/week

Study Group Leader(s):

Robert Kolodney

Bob Kolodney is a former corporate lawyer, former serial entrepreneur, current angel investor oriented toward innovative technology ventures that can help the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN—he  studied at Harvard, Columbia Law School, and INSEAD (The European Institute for Business Administration). Bob has organized annual Bloomsday and James Joyce birthday events at OLLI and has always been drawn back to "Ulysses" by its humor.

Reading List

Ulysses (James Joyce) | Recommended

The Guide to James Joyce's Ulysses (Patrick Hastings) | 2022: Johns Hopkins University Press | ISBN: 978-1421443492 | Recommended