Course Details

9401: Reality, Locality, and Causality

February 10-12
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

Modern physics is essentially incapable of being understood because there are three mutually inconsistent explanations of aspects of the universe: one for atoms and subatomic particles, one for the Solar System and one to explain how the universe came into existence. Indeed, the three competing models of reality use different species of mathematics to explain themselves, further confusing matters. This course will study and discuss current theories as to how human beings are going to resolve this dilemma.

Class Type: Lecture and Discussion

Class Format: In-Person

Hours of Reading: No reading

Study Group Leader(s):

Jacques Read

Jacques Read has taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University and the University of California, performed research at Oak Ridge and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, and been employed by the Atomic Energy Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Department of Energy. He has been a study group leader since 2012.